Insect - the chinch bug
For several years now, chinch bugs have been causing more and more damage. This bug has become a frequent enemy of lawns. Damage is often limited to just one part of the lawn, but in severe, untreated cases, the lawn is so badly damaged that it has to be replaced.
This insect is very small, the adult measuring just 4 mm in length. The nymphs are bright red when they hatch, gradually turning brick-red and then gray-brown as they near maturity. Young nymphs can be recognized by the white stripe running across their abdomen.
Hairy bug sucks
Hairy chinch bugs suck the sap from the grass. Living in groups, the damage they cause is initially local, manifesting itself in patches of dead grass. Gradually, over the course of the season, these irregularly shaped patches spread and merge. The damage occurs during the hot summer months and resembles a lack of water, but unlike drought, it is irregular yellowing only in certain areas and often on a non-irrigated lawn.
Inspect your lawn. If you see patches of damaged, torn, or brownish grass, call us. A small problem is much easier and less costly to solve.
Cranberry moth
A new enemy of lawns, the cranberry moth is an insect that attacks young lawns. In large numbers, it will quickly destroy a lawn. It causes damage similar to that caused by grubs in the fall. Grass rises like a “tuft”, unlike white grubs, which rise more like a carpet (deeper down). You need to be careful when making a diagnosis, because unfortunately, the treatment for sod webworms is different from that for white grubs or chinch bugs. Inspect your lawn.