Code of Ethics of Groupe Jardins Brossard

At Groupe Jardins Brossard, we believe in the importance of ethics in all our actions and interactions. Our commitment to our clients, community, employees, and the environment guides all our decisions. We are proud of our reputation as leaders in snow removal, landscaping, and lawn treatment, and we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

Commitment to Our Clients

We strive to provide services that meet our clients’ expectations and requests, ensuring speed, quality, customization, and free advice. We take pride in the loyalty of our customers, who return year after year, reflecting their satisfaction and trust in our company.

Commitment to Our Community

As a local business, we demonstrate our commitment to the community through involvement with various organizations and foundations. We use environmentally friendly products and carefully maintain our equipment to help keep our community safe.

Commitment to Our Employees

We offer a positive work environment that promotes communication and teamwork. We aim to provide the best working conditions in the industry and continuous training for our staff to ensure their personal and professional development.


Eco Jardins : Our commitment to the Environment

We are aware of the impact of our activities on the environment and are committed to reducing our ecological footprint. We use a geolocation system to optimize our travel and reduce fuel consumption. All our lawn care products are now environmentally friendly, and we promote electronic communications to reduce paper usage.

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Continuity-Security Plan of Groupe Jardins Brossard

Due to climate change and industry evolution, government authorities have designated us as an essential service company. Therefore, we must follow the trends of major companies by offering a business continuity plan to our clients and employees.

In response to the increase in incidents and unpredictable outages, we have taken concrete measures to manage our operational risks, such as:

  • Strategically distributed storage sites for our tangible and intangible assets.
  • Investment in alternative energies and enhanced cybersecurity (IT infrastructure).
  • Improved liability insurance to reflect the current context.
  • Implementation of a comprehensive group insurance program for our employees.
  • Protection plans for our leaders in case of need.

These actions demonstrate our commitment to ensuring the continuity and security of our operations, providing a stable and secure environment for our clients and employees. Together with our clients, community, employees, and environment, we move towards a more sustainable and responsible future.